Innovative Rural Wastewater Management

ADB Initiative


ADB Initiative: Rural Vitalization – Rural Wastewater Treatment and Environmental Management


Agricultural production and rural livelihoods have lagged behind industrial production and urban livelihoods in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). As a result, income inequality and poverty persist in rural areas of lesser-developed regions. The majority of rural wastewater and wastes are directly discharged to the environment without appropriate treatment and disposal. Against this backdrop, the Government of the PRC formulated the rural vitalization strategy for 2018–2022 to promote poverty reduction, rural development, and green and inclusive growth. The strategy focuses on agriculture modernization, rural wastewater and waste management, rural–urban integration, ecosystem services protection, rural health and education services development, and rural governance reform. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the government have agreed to adopt a framework approach to strategically design ADB’s lending and nonlending program to provide support for the PRC’s rural vitalization initiatives.

In October 2019, ADB prepared a knowledge and support technical assistance (KSTA, TA) to support the preparation of guidelines on rural sanitation, wastewater, and solid-waste management (SWM) in PRC in line with the priorities of the rural vitalization strategy. The Output 1 of the KSTA is to support rural vitalization initiatives, including rural sanitation, solid-waste management, and wastewater management. 


ADB RWWM Taskforce


ADB has commissioned a consultant team to undertake the Output 1 of the KSTA to develop a China Rural Wastewater Management Practice Guideline with online access, which aims to provide comprehensive knowledge resources of rural wastewater management for the officers, the general public, and professionals. The consultant team consists of six specialists and SIET Company Limited is leading the TA implementation. 

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