All categories
2.1 Overview
2.2.Institutional Arrangement
2.3.Policies and Regulations
2.4 Discharge Standards
2.5.Sources of funds
2.6.Typical provincial cases
2.7.Conclusions and recommendations
3 Overview of Rural Sanitation and Wastewater Management
3.1 Domestic Wastewater
3.2 Rural Toilets in China – Source of Black Water
3.3 Decentralized vs. Centralized Rural Wastewater Management
4 Rural Wastewater Treatment Technology
4.1 Preliminary Treatment
4.2. Primary Treatment
4.3 Secondary Treatment
4.3.1 Attached Growth Process
4.3.2 Suspended growth Process
4.3.3 Waste Stabilization Pond
4.3.4 Constructed Wetlands
4.3.5 Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration Systems
5 Wastewater Treatment Process Design
5.1 General Design Consideration
5.2 Sewage Collection Alternatives
5.3 Wastewater Treatment Process Design
5.4 Water Reuse
5.5 Sludge Management
6 Project Planning and Design
6.1 Diagnosis for Project Villages – Initial Community Assessment
6.2 Establishment of Stakeholder Group
6.3 Assessment on Existing Conditions and Community’s Capacity
6.3.1 Physical Conditions Assessment
6.3.2 Community’s Capacity Assessment
6.4 Baseline Engineering Survey and Assessment
6.5 Project Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment
6.6 Selection of Operation Model
6.7 Project Cost Estimate
7 Community Participation
7.1 Why Need Community Participation?
7.2 Principles of Community Participation
7.3 Community Participation Activities
8 Financing, Subsidies, and Cost Recovery
8.1 Programmatic Costs
8.2 Project Implementation Costs
8.3 Project Financing
8.4 Subsidies
8.5 Cost Recovery
9 Procurement and Implementation
9.1 Procurement Principles
9.2 Procurement Alternatives
9.3 Procurement Planning
10 System Adminstration, Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Management and Administration Arrangement
10.3 Operation and Maintenance
10.4 Reporting and Monitoring
10.5 Operator Training and Support
Appendix: Case Studies – Rural Wastewater Management in Zhejiang, Shanxi, and Jiangsu Province
1.Zhejiang Province
2.Shanxi Province
3.Jiangsu Province
- Categories: REFERENCES
- Time of issue: 2024-07-18 10:14:07
- Views: 0
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