Practice Guide
Innovative Rural Wastewater Management
/Practice Guide/
9.3.3 Scope of Work
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9.3.3 Scope of Work


The first step in the procurement planning process is to develop a scope of work that clearly identifies the various tanks or activities and fixed works that encompass the project.


The work related to a rural wastewater management project will normally encompass three phases of work: (1) the planning and design phase; (2) the construction phase; and (3) the operational phase. The type of procurement method selected will depend on the scope of work.



The design-bid-build (DBB) method would require at least a two phases of procurement, the initial phase to complete the project planning and engineering design work, and the second phase to construction and possibly operation of the project for a prescribed period.


If a design-build-operate (DBO) procurement strategy is adopted, the scope of work would include all elements of the project.

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