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8.2.2 Project Construction
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8.2.2 Project Construction


The construction costs are the biggest project specific costs and normally are approximately 65% of the total budgeted project costs. The construction costs include: mobilization and staging (1.5%); project construction (50%); waste management and pollution control (2%); project startup and testing (1%); operator training (0.5%); and contractor profit and overhead (10%).


Mobilization and Staging Costs. The contractor incurs these expenses to mobilize their equipment, materials, field office and personnel to the project or job site. This cost is typically estimated as 1.5% of the total project cost.


Project Construction. The physical construction of the project is the largest of the project-specific costs. It includes labor and material costs for constructing the fixed works, for example a new sewer collection system, wastewater treatment facility and land disposal system. If a sewer system is to be constructed, the proportion of the costs for sewer pipes and wastewater treatment facilities shall not exceed 2.5:1 in principle. The physical construction costs consume approximately 50% of the total project budget.


Waste Management and Pollution Control. During and after construction of any new project, solid waste will be generated. Minimizing, recycling, managing, and/or disposing of the waste incurs costs. Additional air and water pollution, noise and soil erosion control measures are also needed to minimize construction-related environmental impacts. Costs of these controls typically amount to approximately 2% of the total project costs.


System Startup, Testing, and Training. If the wastewater treatment system includes any mechanical equipment or controls, such as a clustered or centralized wastewater treatment system, there may be a short period of time required to start-up and commissioning after completing construction. All projects will require some level of technical training to assure the proper operation and maintenance of the new system regardless of the technology installed. These activities typically consume 1.5% of the total project costs and will vary depending on the type, complexity, and scale of the project.


Contractor Profit and Overhead. The final construction related costs include contractor’s markup costs to cover their profit and overhead, which may also include any costs associated with project bonding and insurance. These expenses typically amount to 10% of the total project budget.

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