Practice Guide
Innovative Rural Wastewater Management
/Practice Guide/
8.5.4 Optimizing Operation and Maintenance Costs
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8.5.4 Optimizing Operation and Maintenance Costs


An important aspect of the cost analysis to establish a sustainable recovery rate is to optimize and maintain the O&M rates as low as possible, while still providing the sufficient level of service to properly operate and maintain the system and pay for the labor. O&M costs can be reduced in the following ways:


  • Choosing a technology with inexpensive spare parts, materials, energy, staff and/or other operating costs;
  • Reducing the transport costs to go and buy spare parts and materials;
  • Reducing the dependence on fuel and electricity to operate and maintain the system;
  • Implementing an effective preventive maintenance program to keep equipment in good working condition, rather than waiting for it to break and require repair or replacement. This may imply that a ‘maintenance culture’ needs to be instilled in the community and professional staff; and
  • Installing proper administrative and financial support and control mechanisms.


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