Practice Guide
Innovative Rural Wastewater Management
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3.2.2 Double-pit Dry Toilet
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3.2.2 Double-pit Dry Toilet


A double-pit dry toilet consists of a toilet room, two identical squat pans and pits to store feces (Figure 3.4). Dry fine soil is added to cover the feces to absorb moisture and control odor. One of the pits is used until it is full, then the other is used while the excreta in the first pit decomposes for six months to two years. When the second pit is full, the first can be emptied of the decomposed matter, which will be odorless and inoffensive. Almost all pathogens die during decomposition, so the matter can be safely handled and used as fertilizer.



Figure 3.4 Schematic of double-pit dry toilet

(Source: TILLEY et al. (2014))

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